Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't Blink......just like that........

I cannot believe it, but my Lance is learning to ride MY motorcycle!!! He is so good at it too! Wasn't it just like maybe YESTERDAY that I had him? That lovely December 22nd when my water broke FIVE WEEKS EARLY and lo and behold 1:26 a.m. on December 25, 1993 appears my little Christmas present.............

I'm not sure WHERE that time goes, but my baby LucasJon just turned 12, and I swear it was this morning I gave birth to him! Okay, okay, so I am exaggerating a bit........but seriously here. I could not agree more with the country western song "Don't Blink" cuz "just like that, you're six years old and you take a wake up and you're 25 and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife........"

No doubt about that one. All I can say is I am so incredibly proud of my boys and the young men they are becoming. I LOVE that Lane and I are able to give them so many great opportunities in their lives. That we are able to allow them to explore so many things.

I love you boys with all my heart, and hope you know just how very proud of you I am!



1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hi, Tammy. I've left an award for you on my blog! Stop by and pick up and enjoy!

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